Student Loan Forgiveness Guidelines for NW Tucson Grads

Student Loan Forgiveness Guidelines for NW Tucson Grads

There’s a lot of upheaval in Washington (and across the country) over this whole student loan forgiveness decision from the White House. Some NW Tucson people are exultant, some are… well, less than thrilled.For the extremely-online-all-the-time crowd, it’s likely...
Gas Savings for Every NW Tucson Driver

Gas Savings for Every NW Tucson Driver

There’s something truly American about the summer family road trip. Piling into the car with your luggage and favorite snacks in tow, getting out on the miles and miles of paved road, gazing at the stretches of wild scenery (or maybe just fields and cows)… it’s...
MJM Income Tax’s Tax Planning Tips for 2022

MJM Income Tax’s Tax Planning Tips for 2022

The British saying “Keep calm and carry on” seems like a good motto to live by in uncertain times like these. Still, a little freak-out about what lies ahead is totally normal, even expected.Plunging ahead through the rest of 2022, which is most likely to be rough...